Lee Valley Cast Round Spokeshave
really did not start out to write a review. Someone posted a problem
with their LV Cast Round Spokeshave, and consequently I went and
checked my own. It turned out that I had the same problem. And then
the photos I took to illustrate the issue and the fix .. turned into
a review ... sort of.
Valley recently offered a reproduction of a small Preston spokeshave
is cast in stainless steel and has a PM-V11 steel blade. Now that got
your attention!
and I convinced myself that I needed it for my chair build ... you
know ... "I must have a spokeshave for really tight curves ...
it's possible that I will be stuck in the build just because I do not
have a really small spokeshave ... and it's nearly Christmas ...
it is really striking, and I like this style of spokeshave (sans
adjuster, that is). And, frankly, it was a bargain at the price
(until you look at shipping costs to Perth that is ... so I bought a
few more things as well to justify the small purchase ...).
spokeshave arrived and I whipped it out its packaging, ran it over a
board, noted that it was difficult to get a shaving ... but I was
over my head with Work work, and put it aside - until the recent
forum query.
do have a few other spokeshaves. As mentioned, I prefer them without
adjusters. That low centre of gravity thing. I have a Lie-Nielsen
Round Boggs (plus the flat and concave versions) - light and
wonderful balance, the HNT Gordon round (and flat) - superb on
interlocked grain - and a Stanley #51R (which was spawned by the
Devil - truly only for the masochist). I have reasonable experience
using these, indeed love using spokeshaves (only second after using
LV "Preston" is indeed small, not just in physical size (6
1/2" wide), but its curved sole has a radius of just 5/8".
Compared with this is the 3" of the HNT Gordon and the 5"
of the LN Boggs.
course, if you REALLY want a small spokeshave, get this one (the
Miniature by Veritas) - it is a real worker, and only 3 1/2"
long from tip-to-tip!
it is Boxing Day and I have a little time in the shed ... shop. I run
the spokeshave over a thin board again.
first thing that strikes me is that I cannot take a shaving pushing
it, only pulling it. When I attempted to push the shave, it just
chattered ..
it would not take a shaving at the centre of the mouth only one or
other side.
likelihood is that the mouth is not flat. A ruler confirmed this
the blade is sharp and flat and it is possible to see the curve of
the mouth ...
if your spokeshave is the same as this - and I have only heard one
complaint of the forums to date - then simply send it back to Lee
Valley. You do not have to tell them I said you must. Lee Valley have
the BEST return policy in the WORLD. No quibble - just replacement or
your money back. They will make it good.
I am not suggesting that you do as I did, but you can - it is really
1: cover the metal toe. I used a black felt tip ...
2: Use a medium file across the length of the mouth/toe to remove the
concavity ...
only the edges show silver, demonstrating how much the mouth is
3: Keep filing behind the mouth as well. When using a round
spokeshave it needs to be rolled, and this cannot occur if the body
is not coplanar.
can be seen that there is a high point at the centre and low points
at each side.
4: Finally coplanar.
5: 240 grit and 400 grit wet-and-dry will restore the smoothness and
shine ...
spokeshave now could take full width shavings. It is easy to set up
and easy to adjust (with a hammer or by touch). However, it still was
so much easier to use in the pull mode.
was also possible to take long, fine shavings by skewing the shave
(as one would skew a plane). The trouble with this is that this was
not a creating a tight curve, as intended, but a gradual curve, for
which I had other spokeshaves.
recalled what Terry Gordon (of HNT Gordon had said to me once): "I
suspect the main reason why the little short based shaves are used
for gentle inside curves over the last 50 years was because the
curved sole shaves were a mongrel to use with any success. The only
problem with using the short based shave on a gentle inside curve is
that if you have to transition to an outside curve then the depth of
cut will change and most likely you will lose control at this point
where you get nasty chatter marks. Lastly you are limited to gentle
curves so at some point you will need to go to a curved sole
use a round shave it needs to be rolled from the toe onto the blade.
But what if there is not much toe to start with? Well, that will make
it more difficult to start the cut. Is that why I struggled?
is a comparison of toes (from top down) ...
LV, LV Preston, Stanley #51R, LN Boggs, and HNT Gordon ..
that LV Preston toe is even smaller and a tighter curve than the
Stanley. By comparison, the LN and HNT Gordon curves are gentle and
the toes are wider. They are, in fact, easy spokeshaves to use.
concern about the spokeshave is actually more than the mouth being
out-of-coplanar. That is one reason why the spokeshave would be
difficult to use. Some might argue that one does not take a full
width shaving anyway, but that is not the point. The point is that
taking a full shaving tells us that all is well with the mouth.
second issue is the design of this spokeshave. It is a copy of the
Preston ... for better-or-worse. This has been my criticism with some
of the features on LN planes as well. That is, the design, per se,
includes all features, both good and bad. Some of the bad is not a
deal breaker, just not as good as it could get, and there are many
who enjoy these historical features. What LV is known for best is
their innovation and development of classic designs. They take a
historical classic and turn it into a modern classic.
here is the thing: this spokeshave is not a first timer’s
spokeshave. At
its price point I can see some wanting to wet their toes with this
spokeshave. It
is a spokeshave for someone who really knows what they are doing. I
have some experience, but not nearly enough to make it work
was taught to use a round spokeshave by Terry Gordon, to role it from
the toe through the mouth and onto the sole. This Preston-designed
spokeshave has a very narrow toe. The photos I posted illustrate
addition to the picture of the HNT Gordon large spokeshave I posted
(above), Terry has developed a smaller version, one very similar in
size to the LV/Preston. Terry has this to say of his own version
small curved spokeshave is designed to do tight inside curves. It is
a difficult tool to control as there is no support in front of the
blade so it wants to roll as you start to push.
continues ...
using the curved sole shave I generally push it but it can be pulled.
The only part of my hand which exerts any great pressure is my thumbs
on the flat part of the shave directly behind the blade. The rest of
my hands have a light grip on the squarish handles to prevent the
tool from rolling which keeps the blade cutting. I have a little
weight down on the wood and my thumbs then do the pushing and drag
along the wood to help steady the body. My wrists are flexible so I
can roll with the curves.
that he is pushing here
Link: http://www.hntgordon.com.au/usingsma...spokeshave.htm
regard the Preston handles, I find that the curves ask one to pull
rather than push. It actually feels unnatural to push with them.
Consequently there may be a different way in using them compared with
the HNT Gordon.
put in a little bit of practice with the LV Preston spokeshave and
was rewarded for my efforts.
is much easier going on Pine but I could do this on hardwood as well.
In the first picture the shave long curls are now being pulled. This
is really easy ..
the second photo the shave has planed the entire length, which ends
into the grain and leaves tear out (as expected) ...
the idea is to be able to come back with the grain and remove the
tearout. To do this you have to push away from yourself, and do it
from the edge of the board - that is, immediately and working from
the smallest registration area ..
that I could not plane this curve with the round LN - the curve is
too tight.
do think that those starting out would be better served by a LV or LN
round spokeshaves. Even a Stanley #51/151 is easy after the Preston.
from Perth
December 2013